


First results of CIECH Group's collaboration with start-ups

Initiating projects with scientists who research methods to reduce waste in soda production, establishing cooperation with a Latvian start-up developing CO2 separation technology, as well as the first initiatives with start-ups operating in the agricultural segment. These are the results of the initial months of operation of CIECH Ventures, a specialised company established within the CIECH Group. 


The aim of CIECH Ventures is to monitor the technology start-up market and to initiate cooperation between the CIECH Group and the most promising companies (in the form of investments, business partnerships or pilot programs). Due to CIECH’s support, new innovative companies that look for capital and development opportunities can implement their unique ideas as a part of cooperation with a modern chemical group operating on a global scale. CIECH Venture’s activities are aimed at increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of existing businesses, reducing environmental impact, as well as looking for interesting market niches and new business for the Group.


As part of its consistently implemented ESG strategy and to optimise costs, CIECH is focusing on ways to reduce CO2 emissions in production processes. In addition to the proprietary solutions already in place at the production plant in Inowrocław (CO2 reversal in the soda production process), through the company CIECH Ventures, cooperation has been established with OBF Technology, a Latvian start-up, developing technology for CO2 separation from gas mixtures. CIECH Ventures provided the company with a convertible loan for shares and thus enabled further work (in cooperation with a local university) on a novel method of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, which could potentially be applied in CIECH's soda plants in the future. 


CIECH Ventures, together with the R&D team within CIECH S.A., has also established collaborations with scientists specialising in pioneering solutions that can be applied to reduce waste in the Solvay soda ash production process. CIECH has initiated joint research projects in this area with teams from three centres (North America, the Middle East and Europe). 


CIECH Ventures combines access to the extensive knowledge of the R&D team, the vast experience of technologists, engineers and production practitioners stemming from the rich tradition of the CIECH Group's plants with a modern approach to the start-up ecosystem. We accelerate work to improve manufacturing processes. However, we are not limited to finding innovative solutions only in the soda business. We see an opportunity for the start-up market to also prove to be a valuable source of solutions and cooperation for the rapidly growing AGRO business and our other businesses”, emphasises Kamil Majczak, Member of the Management Board of CIECH S.A.


Within the AGRO business, a promising area for potential cooperation is precision agriculture, using new technologies to increase agricultural productivity. This includes the use of satellite imagery to determine recommendations on the frequency and intensity of treatments needed for crops. To this end, CIECH Sarzyna, with the support of the CIECH Ventures team, has established cooperation with the SatAgro start-up.


Another area of AGRO's business involvement in the start-up ecosystem is cooperation in improving laboratory research, and – as part of this undertaking – the test use of computational methods developed by a Danish start-up Molecular Quantum Solutions. Its aim is to shorten formulation work and, thus, speed up the development of new products with the help of quantum chemistry calculations. Another aspect of the cooperation is the testing of bio products, using microorganisms to combat pathogenic fungi. The cooperation between start-ups and AGRO business in the CIECH Group is also about the implementation of modern solutions from the world of digital marketing, within which the company CIECH Sarzyna actively develops tools supporting, among others, online sales support and constantly modernises the methods of contact with customers. 


CIECH Ventures ( is responsible for initiating the cooperation of all the Group's businesses with start-ups. The activities of CIECH Ventures perfectly complement the activities of the professional R&D team operating within the Group being responsible for, among other things, innovative technologies implemented in the soda business. In May 2022, CIECH S.A. joined the group of investors in the Emerald Industrial Innovation Fund venture capital (VC) fund, specializing in investments in start-ups that develop innovations supporting the idea of sustainable manufacturing. The strengths of the CIECH team are the specialists working on a daily basis in the Group's production plants and the scientists from the R&D team at CIECH S.A. Among them are chemists holding PhDs from RWTH Aachen University or Yale University. 


Kontakt dla mediów:

Mirosław Kuk, Rzecznik Prasowy Grupy CIECH, tel. +48 723 66 86 86


Zapraszamy do obserwowania mediów społecznościowych Grupy CIECH:


CIECH to międzynarodowa, rozwijająca się grupa chemiczna z silną pozycją na rynkach globalnych. Jest drugim producentem sody kalcynowanej i oczyszczonej w Unii Europejskiej, największym producentem soli warzonej w Polsce, największym dostawcą krzemianów sodu w Europie, największym polskim producentem środków ochrony roślin oraz wiodącym w Polsce producentem pianek poliuretanowych. Posiada fabryki w Polsce, Niemczech i Rumunii oraz zatrudnia ponad 3 tysiące osób w całej UE.


Od 2005 roku spółka CIECH S.A. notowana jest na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie, a od 2016 roku, równocześnie, na jednej z największych giełd w Europie - Börse Frankfurt. Rozwój Grupy wspiera inwestor strategiczny – Kulczyk Investments.


Jako jeden z największych polskich eksporterów, CIECH wysyła swoje towary na niemal wszystkie kontynenty. Powstają z nich artykuły niezbędne w codziennym życiu milionów ludzi na całym świecie, dlatego Grupa jest ważnym elementem wielu gałęzi gospodarki – budownictwa, motoryzacji, rolnictwa, przemysłu chemicznego, spożywczego czy farmaceutycznego.


CIECH łączy nowoczesne podejście do biznesu z dbałością o zrównoważony rozwój. Od 2020 roku jest członkiem United Nations Global Compact – największej na świecie inicjatywy skupiającej przedsiębiorstwa odpowiedzialne społecznie, środowiskowo i ekonomicznie.


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