


The CIECH Group supplies soda to the new Euroglas glassworks in Ujazd, Poland, being a growing glass producer

In May, Euroglas officially launched a new float glass production line in Ujazd. The completion of the investment means a significant increase in the annual production of this plant, and thus - a corresponding increase in the supplies of soda ash from the CIECH plant in Inowrocław and Janikowo. The CIECH Group - the second soda manufacturer in Europe - serves flat and packaging glass manufacturers in Poland, providing them with soda ash, which - alongside immaculate sand - is a strategic raw material required for the production of high quality glass. In 2019-2020, the capacity of float glass production plants located in Poland will increase by approx. Forty-five percent in comparison with 2018, thanks to which our country will be the leader in terms of new investments in this sector.

Half of the soda ash used in the world is applied as a raw material for glass production. About 2.9 million tons of glass is produced annually in Poland, and 50% of that is float glass1 , and 50% is packaging glass.

Over the years, the co-operation of a strategic soda ash producer with suppliers of high-quality sand from Polish deposits and a dynamically-developing economy with a large share of infrastructure investments has helped to create a cluster of glass production and processing in this part of Europe.

As the CIECH Group, we want to support the development of glass production in Poland. Euroglas’s new float glass production line is an important example of the dynamic development of this industry. Thanks to the high quality of our products and reliable logistics, we are a trustworthy partner for this industry segment. I am convinced that our strengths are an important element in the decision-making process regarding the launch of new glassworks in this part of Europe. Such glassworks operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for several years, without any technological stops. We are proud to be involved in the development of an industry which is one of the Polish specialities in the European Union market,” says Artur Osuchowski, Member of the Management Board of CIECH S.A.

In Europe, annual glass production (excluding Russia) amounts to approx. 40 million tonnes, and Poland’s share is 7-8 percent. In 2014-2017, glass production in the European Union increased by about 15 percent.

The glass production sector in Poland employs approx. 30,000 people. In the European Union countries, this number is higher only in Germany. The CIECH Group, also operating in the western markets, for instance through its plant in Stassfurt, Germany, supplies soda ash to German glassworks producing float glass.

1 The data on the glass production market referred to in the information comes from and concerns the European Union, and they are based on own estimates of CIECH, based on external analyses of analytical centres.

Kontakt: Mirosław Kuk, Rzecznik Prasowy Grupy CIECH, tel. +48 723 66 86 86.

CIECH to międzynarodowa, rozwijająca się grupa chemiczna z silną pozycją na rynkach europejskich i globalnych oraz ze stabilnym inwestorem strategicznym (Kulczyk Investments). Firma eksportuje swoje produkty do ponad 100 krajów całego świata, sodę kalcynowaną, sodę oczyszczoną, sól, środki ochrony roślin, żywice epoksydowe i poliestrowe, pianki poliuretanowe oraz krzemiany i opakowania szklane. CIECH wytwarza produkty o najwyższej, światowej jakości, z których powstają artykuły niezbędne w codziennym życiu ludzi na całym świecie. Łączy przy tym nowoczesne podejście do biznesu z tradycją produkcji sięgającą 1882 roku. Od 2005 roku spółka notowana jest na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie oraz, od 2016 roku, na jednej z największych giełd w Europie - Börse Frankfurt. Więcej informacji znajduje się na stronie



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